2 db
01 Blind
02 Ball Tongue
03 Need To
04 Clown
05 Divine
06 Faget
07 Shoots and Ladders
08 Predictable
09 Fake
10 Lies
11 Helmet in the Bush
12 Daddy
13 Bonus Track
1. Dead 2. Falling Away From Me 3. Trash 4. 4 U 5. Beg For Me 6. Make Me Bad 7. It's Gonna Go Away 8. Wake Up 9. Am I going Crazy 10. Hey Daddy 11. Somebody Someone 12. No Way 13. Let's Get This Party Started 14. Wish You Colud Be Me 15. Counting 16. Dirty 17. I'm Going Crazy
1. Dead
2. Falling Away From Me
3. Trash
4. 4 U
5. Beg For Me
6. Make Me Bad
7. It's Gonna Go Away
8. Wake Up
9. Am I going Crazy
10. Hey Daddy
11. Somebody Someone
12. No Way
13. Let's Get This Party Started
14. Wish You Colud Be Me
15. Counting
16. Dirty
17. I'm Going Crazy
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